Dear community,
I´m trying to figure out why frames are not shown in pdf-pages.
right side: image with frame@wiki-page
left side: image without frame@pdf-page.
| |Where do I put the code within the css-section of the pdf-template? Within the “content”-section?
And how is the syntax?
@media print {
* Cover Page
.pdf-cover {
border-top: 1px solid @nav-tabs-border-color;
border-bottom: 1px solid @nav-tabs-border-color;
margin-top: 3in;
.pdf-cover h1 {
font-weight: bolder;
* Table of Contents
/* Distinguish the table of contents entries that correspond to document titles from those that correspond to headings
found in the document content. */
.pdf-toc > ul > li[data-xwiki-document-reference] {
margin-top: 1em;
> span {
font-weight: bolder;
* Header
.pdf-chapter-name:before {
content: string(chapter-name);
* Content
/* Marks the beginning of a new XWiki document. */
h1[data-xwiki-document-reference] {
/* Distinguish document titles from the rest of the level 1 headings that may appear in the document content. */
font-weight: bolder;
string-set: chapter-name content(text);
/* Start each XWiki document on a new print page. */
& ~ h1[data-xwiki-document-reference] {
break-before: page;
Sorry for asking stupid questions and thanks for your help.
I wish all of you a nice weekend.
1 post - 1 participant