I everyone I would like to discuss with you the proposal below, this one is quite straight forward.
This proposal discusses the use of hints in Cristal. Conceptually, these hints are the same to those found in XWiki Standard.
Defining Hints
Hints are small pieces of text attached to an input form. Their primary function is to provide users with contextual guidance and assistance when filling out a form field. In other applications, they are often referred to as “Helper text,” but in XWiki, the correct term is “Hint.”
Example of hint:
Proposed Change in Placement
One key difference between Cristal and XWiki Standard is the placement of hints. In XWiki, hints are positioned between the field label and the input field. However, this placement can cause issues when the hint text is too long or when the screen size is small (see image below).
Problem with very long hints
Notice the space between the label and its field
Proposal for positioning in Cristal and XS
To address this, the proposal suggests moving hints after the input field instead. This placement emphasizes their helper role while keeping them unobtrusive for more experienced user
Handling Conflicts with Error Messages
A potential conflict arises when both a hint and an error message are displayed simultaneously. In such cases, the error message should take precedence, pushing the hint text further down to avoid confusion.
Applicability to XWiki
While this proposal is focused on Cristal, it could also be applied to XWiki. However, due to the scale of XWiki, implementing this change across the entire platform may be impractical unless hints are part of a reusable component.
Thank you all for reading, and as always I would like to know your opinions on it.
1 post - 1 participant