XWiki 16.10.3
Searching has indicated that I need to make sure User & Rights > Rights > Users > Unregistered Users > Register
is not selected to prevent the “Register” link from showing up on the login page.
Similarly, searching has indicated that I need to make sure User & Rights > Registration > Enable login button
is not selected to prevent the “Log-in” link from showing up on the login page.
Neither of these approaches seem to be working, and I’ve confirmed that with these settings an unregistered user can register themselves and view our wiki content.
How can I remove these links and ensure that only users which have been added by admin have access?
Sigh, the checkboxes under the User & Rights > Rights > Users > Unregistered Users > Register
setting are not standard “binary” checkboxes. Instead, these checkboxes are ternary, having a green “checked” state, a red “x’ed”, and a blank “undefined” state.
Still need to figure out why the checkbox for enabling/disabling the login link (which is binary) isn’t working.
3 posts - 2 participants