Hi everyone,
I noticed yesterday that apparently we are not consistent when saving pages due to refactoring links when performing a rename / move:
- when renaming a relative link we perform a save with a minor version
- when renaming an absolute backlink we perform a save with a major version
You can see the code here: xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-refactoring/xwiki-platform-refactoring-default/src/main/java/org/xwiki/refactoring/internal/DefaultReferenceUpdater.java at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub
For me this strategy doesn’t make sense, and in particular I don’t think we should ever perform a major version save for such operation: if you move a set of pages and you have a page containing multiple links, you will end up with multiple major versions added to your page because of a single move.
So the proposal is to change the strategy to always perform minor version save when doing such link refactoring.
7 posts - 6 participants