The document describes several output modes for xwiki pages specified by xpage
I would like to have some additional features:
Specifying the part(s) of the page which should be displayed:
- Output the page with/without left and right panels,
- with/without headers and footers
- just the content of the page
- breadcrumbs
- the main part
The target of this output is to be displayed within iframes (e.g. a splitted window) where the content can be changed by buttons within the main page part.
The problem is not to get this features (I have achieved this by creating a set of macros which do this by a combination of using include/display macros and changing the css style value of parts which should not be displayed to “display:none !important”.
But this solution is a bit ridiculous, as some (complicated) parts will be computed and afterwards not displayed. Just doing this within rendering is more performant.
Although a wiki is an “invitation to change and improve” sometimes some kinds of “kiosk modes” would be very convenient
2 posts - 2 participants