Currently i have a big Page with a lot of macro content (my own macro).
It takes arround 5 seconds to open the page. (everytime i open the page my macro gets executed). And no, a cache macro can’t help here. The content of the macro only changes if the content has also been completely edited. Not after a period of time.Thereotically I could also write the result of the macro statically through a scheduler. However, the problem here is that the page content also contains the result of the macro.
Example of my macro:
{{includedoc id=“8989” /}}
Leads to an execution of an api access.
[[8989: Some example doc, wit a big description, which should not be included in the search >> http://...../docs?system=82367437238745437&doc=8989]]
Is there a way to save and display a static version of the page when saving the page? But without influencing the search? Or is there a way to give Solr a different search source text for this page?
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