Hello all,
I am having an odd issue. Using XWiki’s 16.10.1 docker container, running on AWS. For Ignition, I am running 8.1 and using Perspective.
After creating my XWiki instance, and opening it up to the internet, I then went into ignition, and in one of my views, I inserted an iFrame, and pointed the link to my instance.
The site loads the login screen in the iFrame, but after logging in, the site fails to load the theme, logo, pages I’ve made under navigation, and the comment box.
Visible in this gif, you can see the navigation and comment sections repeatedly refreshing, and the logo missing.
Please let me know if you have seen this before or might have any ideas.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
I would like to note I am using Chrome, and the Chromium version used in Perspective Workstation within Ignition 8.1 is Chromium 127.0.6533.73. This is embedded within the JxBrowser version 7.40.0.
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