I’m running XWiki 16 on Debian with Tomcat9.
I am having a major issue while trying to implement OpenID with the OpenID Connect extension.
My xwiki.configuration at some point had the wrong “client ID” and it was not working. This is seen when opening the site as Microsoft responds with “Can’t find that application”.
I went into EntraID and got the correct one. Afterwards I changed the application ID for the correct one on the xwiki.configuration and saved the changes, restarted tomcat, and this is my current situation:
As you can see, the error message still shows the old ‘incorrect’ ID (left) despite the correct one being on the key.
The incorrect ClientID is nowhere to be found in the XWiki.Configuration file.
I’ve restarted Tomcat, at least three times and then I even went further down to restart the whole instance, with no avail.
Is this extension storing the information on the database as an object?
I can’t find a settings menu for this.
I can’t even begin to troubleshoot the issue because I honestly don’t know where to start!
Please, any help would be appreciated, right now the users can’t access the wiki.
Thank you
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